Why use a CRM for your association?

Why use a CRM for your association?

Establishing a privileged relationship with your members, donors, members, volunteers… is a real challenge for associations. Whether you are an alumni association, a professional association, a charity association… you need to know your supporters and...
Why should Google Analytics no longer be used from 2020?

Why should Google Analytics no longer be used from 2020?

On 10 February 2022, the CNIL issued a formal notice to a website using Google Analytics to comply with the RGPD. Indeed, the CNIL considers that as Google Analytics stores its data in the United States, it considers “that these transfers are illegal and...
Alumni: a successful network is a living network!

Alumni: a successful network is a living network!

Le réseau des alumni est en constante évolution ! Depuis plusieurs années, les comportements professionnels ont considérablement évolué et ont transformé les évolutions de carrières. Les nouvelles générations ont la bougeotte et l’ancienneté dans une entreprise se...